TNV Certification Center helps its customers to
Our inspection services cover the inspection of quality, quantity and documentation for any goods, from production to distribution.Meanwhile,we can also provide the test for pressure equipment,welding equipment, electrical equipment and electronic product etc.,
The TNV checks the quality and quantity of export goods and deliveries.
The TNV, as a third, independent party, checks the performances, specifications and other issues related to contracts, during the transportation of goods between producer and customer. These inspections are carried out either by the specifications of the producer or the customer.
Industrial inspection
We conduct inspection activities in every industrial sector. The aims of these inspections are ultimately defined by the customer/end user and according to the most important criteria applying to the product.
Most important types of industrial inspection activities
Auditing or regular checking of the quality management system of the producer,
Plan reviews,
Inspections performed as an independent third party,
Checking processes,
Supervising the final inspection of products
Our main inspection activities are those listed above, but the depth of inspections may vary on a broad scale according to the demands of our clients.
In this sector customers in different countries of the world may have the main characteristics of the delivered products checked by means of the inspection activities.
During the inspections, quality, quantity, packing or other special parameters may be checked. type.
Manufacturing, production, purchasing, transporting
We can help our clients with inspection activities in several areas of industry and agriculture. Some of these areas are listed below:
Evaluation of subcontractors according to special demands of the customers,
Comprehensive evaluation of tenders,
Comprehensive analysis of EU and international norms,
Evaluation of quality management programs,
Analysis and preparation of quality management and product inspections,
Evaluation of production and product inspection processes, contributing to their preparation
Plan reviews,
Inspection of work processes, monitoring deadlines,
Operation audits of materials and equipment,
CEInternational standard labeling,
Quality, quantity, etc. inspection of products before delivery (transport),
Inspection of equipment and products in the case of documentary credit operations.
Supervision of investments
Full inspection, from planning via supervision of processes and the operation of the quality management system, up to the final inspection of the delivery documentation, for investments.
Technical supervision is applied during the realization of almost every installment in the developed countries. In some countries, legislation or other binding regulations prescribe the certification of the technical conditions of the installment by an independent organization, from the start of the construction/assembling to technical deliverance.
Special fields of complex technical supervision:
steel structure
installation of machines and equipment
pipe installation
installation of rotating machines
electricity, transmission
control engineering
Welding equipment
surface and corrosion protection
Special fields may be extended according to the specific demands raised by the investment. The conduction of technical supervision is regulated by the requirements of the investment. If no pre-defined system is used, we may create one for you upon request.
Where is it useful to apply complex technical supervision of investments?
Where the investing organization
- does not have the necessary supervising capacity
- does not have the necessary staff of experienced quality management experts
- needs an independent controlling body that guarantees the completion of the investment in the required quality.
Special fields of investments:
Energy investments and their supplementary and related
Environmental investments: (desulphuriser, DeNOx system, dust separators, etc.)
Oil industry investments: installments, storage tanks, pipelines, etc.
Gas industry investments: pipelines (e.g.: high pressure international pipelines, trunk lines, etc.) receiving stations, process stations, etc.
Chemical installments
Pharmaceutical investments
Food industry investments
national defense investments
Sugar industry investments
Cement industry, cement production
Railway transport, non-local railway, point-to-point railway, city transport (underground, tram)
Highway construction
Other fields of investment
(Any other special field, as required by the client)